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If you're a business owner and you haven't tried email marketing, hear me out.

Imagine having a superpower that can help you connect with your customers, increase sales, and take over the world... well, maybe not the last one, but you get the idea.

With email marketing, you can send targeted messages to your audience that make them feel like you're speaking directly to them.  Plus, it's way cheaper than traditional marketing, so you can save some cash money while still getting the word out about your business.  And the best part? You can measure your success and see exactly how many people are opening, clicking, and converting from your emails.  It's like having a crystal ball that tells you what's working and what's not.

The iOS 14 update from Apple had a significant impact on business owners' ability to reach their target audience through online advertising, specifically on Facebook and Instagram.

This wonderful update introduced a new privacy feature called App Tracking Transparency, which requires users to opt-in before apps can track their activity across other apps and websites.


This means that businesses, and digital marketers alike, are no longer able to collect as much data on users for targeted advertising which makes actually reaching our intended audiences a bit of a challenge. Yay.

When I'm advertising my clients' products and services on a platform such as Facebook, I rely heavily on user data for Facebook's targeted advertising capabilities. With less data available, businesses are seeing a decrease in the effectiveness of their ads and are having to adjust their strategies accordingly.

Well, Poo.  Ultimately, businesses will need to be adaptable and creative in finding new ways to connect with their audience in a post-iOS 14 world as it's making us rethink entire campaign strategies.


The flip side is that it also highlights the need for us to prioritize building and maintaining customer relationships using FIRST PARTY DATA through other channels, such as content marketing, social media marketing, and you guessed it, email marketing

This one got tough, but it's not like Google's algorithm doesn't change between 500 - 600 times a year... We got this. Call me "Addap Tayshaun" or call me "Corny", just make sure that you call me.

Filius Blue can help connect you with connect with your audience in a post-iOS 14 world.

If you want to take your business to the next level by putting your products or services in front of the people that need them, get on board with email marketing.  Trust me, your customers will feel like they're getting personalized VIP treatment (and your wallet will thank you big time).


We can't wait to help your business thrive!

Email Marketing

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